Why do I need this site?

This project was brought to life for a couple of reasons. First of all, I suck at finishing my projects. Ever since I started making music 15 years ago, I have been looking at my ever-growing collection of unreleased ideas and felt somewhat worried about my inability to complete any of them. My song collection now consists of around 200 projects, but I consider only a tiny handful of them to be actually done. I did post some of the earliest tunes I made on my Soundcloud, but I didn't take any of it seriously.

After getting into programming, I got into a very similar problem. Much like posting to Soundcloud, I started dumping some of my smallest projects and scripts to my GitHub page. As my experience in software development grew however, so did my projects. They needed a proper place to be showcased, mostly for the sake of my own sanity.

Last but not least, there is something to be said about pride and craftsmanship or something in here that motivated this site becoming a thing. I have sworn to myself to never consider something complete before I can sign my name onto it and proudly show it off to the world, and I intend to keep that promise. Working with software development for some time now however (also "agile" practices), I have come to learn that a software product really never can be considered done in this day and age. This was initially a little bit hard to fit in to my personal moral regime, but I feel that I now have come to terms with that in some way or another.

Core values

To avoid having this project end up just like all the ones before this, I decided to take a new approach to the development and release cycle. Working "agile" for some years as a professional developer, I wanted to borrow some ideas from the practices of small feedback loops, iterative and feature-focused development rather than sitting on the codebase for a year before releasing. My core values for this site is:

Content first

Development effort should be aimed at delivering content rather than pretty css. Content is king.

Less is more

The design and code should to the best of my ability reflect my interest in essentialism.